Sap |
This spirit represents the lifeblood of trees and plants and is an old friend of Isaac's. Sap's attack absorbs vitality from foes. (Temporary) |
Ground |
This spirit controls gravitiy and is a friend of Isaac's. Ground's attack creates gravity wells strong enough to paralyze an enemy. (Temporary) |
Granite |
This spirit of very hard stone is one of Isaac's friends. In battle, Granite's tough, wall-like body can defend allies. (Temporary) |
Quartz |
This spirit represents the healing energies of the earth. Quartz can heal wounds by focusing ambient energy into a living creature. (Temporary) |
Salt |
This spirit reflects the trace minerals present in living creatures and is a friend of Isaac's. Salt can cleanse and purify an ally's body of harmful effects. (Temporary) |
Flint |
This spirit was Isaac's very first Djinni. Flint talks a great deal, but is both knowledgeable and nice, so no one complains. |
Steel |
This love spirit is first found in Kaocho. Steel's attack is a vitality-stealing kiss that leaves enemies wanting more. |
Flower |
This flower spirit is found by the gate to Konpa ruins. Flower's sweet scenet has a refreshing and healing effect. |
Bark |
This tough spirit is first met on the Passaj Mountain Climb. Bark's rough hide can protect allies like a shield. |
Brick |
This spirit is found in Harapa. Brick's control over stones allows for the instant creation of defensive barriers. |
Vine |
This spirit has influence over seeds and is found in the Teppe ruins. In battle, Vine plants seeds that grow with amazing speed to hamper foes. |
Gears |
This spirit of inevitability is found north of Border Town. Gears can force evil being to turn on one another. |
Furrow |
Desire is the province of this spirit, who you first meet in Belinsk. Furrow's attack takes vitality from foes by force. |
Garland |
This tree spirit is found in Kolima Village. Garland has a pleasant fragrance that immediately refreshes and relieves fatigue. |
Pewter |
Laurel uses this spirit of emotion as her envoy, sometimes to her regret. Pewter's attack can penetrate strong defenses with molten metal. |
Chasm |
A spirit of the void, this Djinni is found deep in the Belinsk ruins. The vacuum within Chasm draws everything in. |
Chain |
This spirit represents earth's binding powers and is first met on Warrior's Hill. Chain's attacks hold a foe in place to help allies coordinate strikes. |
Buckle |
This metallic spirit joins with Himi. Buckle's influence over metals can harden substances to many times their original strength. |
Clover |
This fragrant spirit is met along with Himi. Clover's fresh scent seems to celanse the soul and is quite calming. |
Magnet |
This lodestone spirit joins the party with Himi. Magnet's attacks paralyze with a powerful force. |
Geode |
This spirit joins the party with Himi and was born from a mineral formation. Geode draws power from far underground to attack. |
Ivy |
This climbing-plant spirit is found in Passaj. With a single look into Ivy's eyes, an enemy may be immediately petrified. |
Hemlock |
This spirit is associated with death and is found at the ruins in Yamata. Hemlock's grim power sentences the living to imminent death. |
Chill |
This spirit of intense cold is found at Carver's Camp. Chill's attack renders enemies brittle and vulnerable. |
Sleet |
This spirit of crystallized ice joins the party with Rief. Sleet's attack wraps enemies in blinding cold, making fighting more difficult. |
Surge |
This geyser spirit joins the party in Barai Temple. Surge can conjure a hot-spring effect that relieves fatigue for allies. |
Mist |
This spirit has influence over sleep and joins your party along with Amiti. Mist's attack enshrouds a foe's mind, making it ready for sleep. |
Mellow |
This spirit of calm waters befriends the party along with Amiti. Mellow's untroubled aura shields the party from hostile Psynergy. |
Claw |
This spirit represents aggressive sea life and joins the party along with Amiti. Claw's attack leaves a foe more vulnerable to Psynergy. |
Serac |
This spirit represents the overpowering cold of a glacier and is met at the Harapa ruins. Serac's attack sucks all heat away from the environment instantly. |
Dewdrop |
This spirit carries the refreshing feeling of morning dew and is met near the Teppe ruins. Dewdrop cleanses the party of toxins and the like. |
Torrent |
This spirit represents powerful currents and is found in Belinsk. Torrent's tremendous energy is contagious and makes the whole party move faster. |
Coral |
This spirit embodies the life-giving properties of the sea and is first met at Port Rago. Coral's aura restores life and health to the injured. |
Spout |
This torrential spirit is met in Belinsk. The force of Spout's watery attack leaves behind a mist that obscures a foe's vision. |
Teardrop |
This spirit embodies tears shed in grief and is encountered in Kolima Forest. Teardrop's own tears can bring people back from the brink of death. |
Pincer |
This spirit represents peaceful sea life and is met in Belinsk. Pincer's attack erodes an enemy's ability to resist Psynergy. |
Spring |
This hopeful spirit represents the water that bubbles from springs and is found in Harun Village. Spring's water is supernaturally refreshing. |
Foam |
This spirit of churning oceans is first met near Tonfon. Foam can create areas of tidal instability that slow enemies down. |
Rime |
This spirit embodies crusted ice and is met on an island in the far north. By encasing an enemy's mind in ice, Rime can seal that foe's Psynergy. |
Geyser |
This spirit represents water under pressure and is found near Imil. Geyser's attack consists of a highly pressurized spray of water. |
Shell |
This spirit of seashells is encountered at Gaia Falls. Shell's hard skin protects allies against the most storm-tossed seas (and enemy attacks). |
Torch |
This spirit of concentrated heat is a friend of Garet's. Torch's focused attack passes through any sort of protection. (Temporary) |
Shine |
This spirit of radiance is Garet's friend. The brilliant flash of Shine's attack blinds enemies around its target. (Temporary) |
Flash |
This incandescent spirit is a friend of Garet's. The light that comes off Flash is intense enough to soften enemy blows. (Temporary) |
Spark |
This spirit of fire's persistence is Garet's friend. Spark's never-say-die attitude inspires allies to fight on despite setbacks. (Temporary) |
Corona |
This spirit of fire's light is a friend of Garet's. Corona's glowing radiance is strong enough to blunt enemy attacks. (Temporary) |
Kindle |
This spirit of ignition is a friend of Garet's. Kindle's influence allows allies to exceed their usual limits of strength and power. (Temporary) |
Forge |
This bolstering spirit is encountered at Patcher's Place. Forge's blazing flame stirs allies to grater ferocity in battle. |
Fever |
This spirit of dreams and hallucinations is found near Konpa Gate. Fever's power overheats a foe's brain, causing delusional thinking. |
Cinder |
This spirit of fire's last remnants is first met in Harapa. Cinder can ignite vigor in an unconscious ally through sheer determination. |
Lava |
This spirit represents fire's power to melt and is first met in Kaocho. Lava's attack is hot enough to melt enemy defenses, leaving foes vulnerable. |
Brand |
This spirit represents fire's controlling aspect and is found in Passaj. Brand can lock an enemy's Psynergy in place with a heat seal. |
Fury |
This spirit embodies hot rage and is first met at Te Rya village. Fury summons the souls of those who died in anger to attack enemies. |
Glare |
This light spirit is first encountered at the Dream Tree. Glare emits light intense enough to blind and injure an enemy. |
Reflux |
This spirit of burning pain joins the party with Eoleo. Reflux is essentially cowardly but lashes out with horns when approached. |
Wrath |
This spirit of hot rage joins the party with Eoleo. Wrath's vicious attack may exhaust an enemy immediately. |
Chili |
This spirit has influence over spicy heat and is a favorite of Eoleo's. Chili's power leaves a foe breathless and unable to move. |
Glow |
This spirit of fading light joins the party with Eoleo. Glow breathes on the remaining embers of life, rejuvenating knocked-out allies. |
Stoke |
This spirit causes fires to burn ever hotter and joins with Eoleo. Stoke's inspiring presence rallies friends to fight more fiercely. |
Pepper |
This spirit brings fiery influence to some foods and joins the party with Himi. Pepper can overwhelm an enemy's senses, leaving the foe stunned. |
Tinder |
This indomitable fire spirit is encountered in Tonfon. Tinder can restoke life's fire with perfect reliability in an unconscious ally. |
Fugue |
This spirit represents the fiery passion of music and is found in Champa. Fugue's infectious rhythm exhausts foes' mental strength. |
Sizzle |
This spirit of blazing heat is first met at Nihan. Sizzle's attack sears foes, leaving them vulnerable to further attack. |
Flare |
This inspiring fire spirit is encountered at the volcanic island cave. Flare's ecstatic light elevates and refreshes the mind. |
Aurora |
This spirit of the sun's warming touch is found at Apollo Sanctum. Aurora's gentle influence heals other Djinn, speeding their recovery. |
Gust |
This fleet spirit is first encountered at the Goma Highlands Road. Gust's tremendous speed always gets the jump on an enemy. |
Jolt |
This lightning spirit is first encountered at the Konpa ruins. Jolt generates a shock that can bring an unconscious ally around again. |
Ether |
This spirit embodies the winds at the highest altitudes and is found in western Kaocho. Allies find Ether's presence calming, even in the midst of battle. |
Breath |
This spirit embodies living breath and is found in Ayuthay. Breath specializes in healing allies in the nick of time. |
Vortex |
This spirit embodies whirlwinds and is found in the Ouroboros. Vortex's attack leaves enemies dizzy and unable to see straight. |
Doldrum |
This spirit represents still air and is found at Craggy Peak. Doldrum can hold an enemy in place by encasing it in unmoving wind. |
Sirocco |
This sandstorm spirit is first encountered in Border Town. Sirocco's swirling winds reduce enemy visibility to zero. |
Wisp |
This spirit of lingering fragrances is first met in Saha Town. Wisp can refresh the mind and heart with invigorating aromas. |
Puff |
This spirit of clouds is first enountered at Talon Peak. Puff fills enemies with cloudstuff until they burst. |
Fleet |
This spirit of energetic winds befriends the party along with Sveta. Fleet's vigor inspires allies to act faster. |
Waft |
This uplifting spirit joins the party along with Sveta. Waft's soothing fragrance lulls an enemy to sleep. |
Bolt |
This electrical spirit joins the party along with Sveta. Bolt's constantly charging current shocks a foe senseless. |
Breeze |
This spirit of soft winds joins the party with Sveta. Breeze's calming influence shelters the mind from harmful Psynergy. |
Haze |
This spirit of swirling vapors joins the party with Sveta. Haze can grant temporary sanctuary to a friend in the form of concealing mists. |
Kite |
This spirit represents flight and is found in Yamata. From a high vantage point Kite gives the party key tactical advice, allowing for an extra action. |
Lull |
This musical spirit is found on an island in the Otka Sea. Lull's song is comforting and causes combatants to have trouble continuing the battle. |
Swift |
This spirit of speed joins the group with Himi. Swift is the fastest of all spirits and always strikes before an enemy can. |
Simoom |
This spirit of burning winds is first found at a small desert island. The violent winds Simoom creates are scorchingly hot and act like a toxin in the body. |